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Products & Services

Our services

Services will include, inter alia.:-

  • Dispensing of medicines by a full time pharmacist, registered with the South Africa Pharmacy Council;
  • Monitoring /testing of blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol;
  • Professional pharmaceutical advice on medicines and the administering of such medicines;
  • Advice on family planning, HIV, general health care and fitness;
  • Medicines will be delivered to patients within 3 hours of the script being approved by the medical aid. Moreover, this is the value added service that we would like to render to patients that are either too old/ill to visit the pharmacy or for people whom are “on the go”; and
  • Hiring of surgical equipment such as wheelchairs, nebulisers, crutches, etc. which are not readily available to the people in the community.

Special needs of the community will be addressed in the following ways:-

  • Pharmaceutical products will be delivered to patients' homes within 3 hours of the script being approved by the medical aid;
  • Sale and leasing of paraplegic equipment like wheel chairs, crutches, walkers, nebulisers etc.;
  • Selective Free monitoring/ testing of blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol. These tests will be important considering that a large percentage of the targeted population have a genetic history of high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels, high cholesterol and also cardiac conditions.
  • Community involvement: We are visible in some of the high schools and primary schools in the area. Further, we expect to partner with the schools, senior citizen organization and community welfare organizations to provide talks about good healthcare but most importantly, talks on drug abuse. Drug abuse amongst youth is a major problem in the market that we are targeting.

We are of the opinion that these services, inter alia. will ensure that we firmly entrench ourselves as a true community pharmacy with the interests of the community at heart.

Looking Forward

It is envisaged that the pharmacies will continue to provide a quality of professional service that we can be proud of. This pharmacy continues to fill a vacuum relating to the availability of clean, value added service to our community.

The community has alluded to the fact that the pharmacies will be convenient, but also that they need a pharmacy in the area for the purpose of developing an ongoing and a sustainable relationship. We are of the opinion that a Community Pharmacy is about relationship building and understanding your community by ploughing back into the community either financially or in kind. Thus, having a Community Pharmacy is greatly about:-

  • The bouquet of pharmaceutical services offered;
  • The quality of those services, in line with strict healthcare ethics, whilst at the same time, building relationships and partnering with the community; and
  • Providing value added services at the most competitive prices.